Saturday, May 18, 2013

A few of my favourite things (thanks Maria!)

As it goes in The Sound of Music song, there are a lot of things I can list which brighten my day when I'm feeling down - whiskers on kittens goes without saying, really.  I could also make a massive list of food-related things which I love - things that give colour, zing and happiness to both my meals and my life.  So as not to bore my lovely readers or take up the whole weekend typing, here are just a few:

Australian Gourmet Traveller magazine:

Has to be the paper version....the librarian and romantic in me feels sad thinking of the day that the electronic version takes over.  I will miss the pleasure of breaking up a shopping trip with a flick through at the supermarket or newsagent, salivating over recipes and photos, and the anticipation of settling on the couch - drink in hand - to read and dream of far-flung places and exotic tastes and the joy of all those sensory experiences.

Balsamic Kalamata Olives and Goat's Cheese

I confess I am a vinegar fiend....salt and vinegar chips, balsamic drizzled on salad, roast veggies, risotto etc - anything with that acetic tang just gets me going.  So when I discovered these babies, I was in heaven!  I wonder whether there's a version available at delis?  Of course, a perfect pairing is fresh goat's cheese.  Also great in salads (a fave of mine is quinoa salad with parsley, chopped tomato, cucumber, toasted pine nuts and the cheese crumbled on top), sprinkled on pizza before baking, or just spread on crackers (glass of crisp white wine an essential accompaniment!).

Rice Wine Vinegar

Continuing the vinegar theme, this stuff is the bomb - I could almost drink it straight, it's so mild and tasty!  Instead, I pair it with soy sauce for numerous Asian-inspired dishes.  As a marinade with soy, sesame oil and a little sugar for balance, it gives great flavour to grilled or baked eggplant or tuna (sprinkle some toasted sesame seeds on top for extra toastiness).  I also use it, again with soy and a mild salad oil such as light olive, as a dressing for a simple Asian salad of fresh bean sprouts, matchstick carrot and salad greens (Asian ones such as mizuna would be perfect, but the pepperiness of rocket works well too).

Pepitas (pumpkin seeds)

I've just started getting into these recently - the best incarnation I've had so far is the chilli and lime roasted pepitas from Elk and Pea in Braddon (I'm planning to try my own version at home this space for pics!).  They are also fantastic to give nuttiness and texture to baked goods such as muffins and loaves.  My all-time favourite gluten free bread (from Movida Bakery in Melbourne - not available in Canberra, cue sad face) was full of these things!

Ange's Cream of Asparagus soup

The highlight of a French-themed dinner that my friend Ange held recently, this was incredibly good - silky smooth, creamy yet not too rich, and studded with pieces of fresh, perfectly cooked asparagus.  Topped with crispy, cheesy toasts, this soup set the tone for the whole dinner - stylish yet hearty food (and conversation) that warmed the stomach and soul.

Readers, what are some of your favourite food-related things?  I'd love to hear about them!